September 2004
Code coverage and testing
Recently I mentioned that we were in the process of adding additional tests to our code base. We’d been using JITT to reduce the number of tests that we wrote and now it was time to fill in some of the gaps. This week I started to use … -
NFOFY JTDPN are the victim of spamy morons
[Updated:15th October - Original domain name hidden with a simple caesar cipher to stop them getting bad press via search engines…] [Updated: 6th September - It seems “NFOFY JT” were possibly the victim of a vindictive ex … -
LoadLibrary error
I need to dynamically load a dll, grab some function pointers and do stuff; simple stuff, done it 100s of times before. I decide that this time I’ll wrap the HMODULE that I’ll need in a class to make sure I can never forget to … -
Ah, a place to keep all that bad code… The Daily WTF From Barry -
Why does windows hold the loader lock whilst calling DllMain?
I’ve been splunking around Dll loading recently for a pet project. It’s been an interesting journey and this evening I solved the final piece of the puzzle and, when I did, I suddenly wondered, not for the first time, why … -
They're learning
I’m back with the guys on the refactoring project for a couple of days. I got to my desk, updated my CVS tree and started to check my email. The first mail was from the boss man of the team; “I fixed a bug in the FX code earlier … -
The good thing about blogging is
It makes you think. I find that when I’ve done a brain dump post like last night’s “loader lock” posting, all of the issues are fresh in my mind. Posting just before bed means that by the time I wake up I’ve … -
How hand overs become hand offs
Being a consultant, I find that the start up and shut down of projects are usually the most stressful times. Start up is all about “hitting the ground running”, learning lots of stuff really fast and making a good impression. … -
Red sky in the morning
Looks like it’s going to rain today… ItsGoingToRain1 ItsGoingToRain2 ItsGoingToRain3 ItsGoingToRain4 -
Yup, that's where the value is
Mats writes about how he finally got unit testing by realising that the value comes not when all your tests pass and you feel happy but when one of your tests fails and you feel sad… This is actually something I’m not sure … -
Could someone please
Could someone please write a Java based estimating package? I really want to be able to able to turn to a manager and say, with a straight face, that all of my estimates were done in JEst… Sorry, it’s been a long day. -
Harvest for reuse
Jeff Atwood writes about the the delusion of reuse where he warns of the extra effort that’s really required when writing for reuse: “I believe writing a truly reusable class is an order of magnitude harder than writing a single … -
Tests as tours
I’ve discovered something quite amazing this week; something quite simple that shouldn’t really have been much of a surprise, but it was. If you have a substantial set of unit tests then you can use them as the backdrop for … -
Back from Saas-Fee - 2004
We’ve just got back from a week of early season ski training in Saas-Fee. We went with the Warren Smith Ski Academy, again, and had a great time. The weather (wind mainly) meant that we didn’t ski as much as we’d hoped, …