It must be a slow news day when...
My relationship break-up posting gets linked to from…
And, of course, they put their own spin on it… However, as I mentioned in a reply to one of the comments on the original posting…
“Actually, I wrote a much longer piece with much more detail and decided that I didn’t need to publish it. I just needed to write it. To get it out of my head, in much the same way that I wrote about my sister’s tsunami experience. However I did feel the need to say something on my blog as the split has and will affect what I do and that needed context. So I took out the personal stuff and left the techie stuff as this is a techie blog.
Given that my blog usually gets around 300 visits a day and given that up until some bright spark thought that this posting was amusing enough to go on I’d had just a couple of sympathetic comments I figured the balance was about right. Having 50,000+ geeks using the 439 word entry to analyse and speculate on our lives and priorities wasn’t really something that I expected.”