Garbage Collection and Pointers

So, Richard Hale Shaw is helping us move away from C++ and in his latest posting on the subject he explains how “veteran C++ programmers” don’t like to manage memory themselves; hmm. I’d quite like to see his sample data. Especially as he then goes on to define “veteran C++ programmers” as people who don’t like to manage memory themselves…

“But veteran C++ developers testify that - without taking special precautions - you’ll invariably introduce more programming errors by managing memory yourself:

· Using a pointer without initializing it first

· Forgetting to set a deleted pointer to NULL

· Forgetting that a deleted pointer has been deleted (and trying to use it), and

· Forgetting to delete an initialized pointer, etc.

Indeed, a good gauge for whether someone is a veteran C++ programmer is to ask if they think they can manually manage memory better than a program written to do so can.”

I guess 14 years of C++ doesn’t make me a veteran, unless everything I’m about to say can be dismissed as ‘special precautions’…

Personally, I don’t have a problem with memory management. I’ve reviewed a lot of code that does have problems with memory management but then that same code also tends to have problems with most other aspects of programming; I’ve never seen well designed, clean code that only has memory management problems. It seems to me that a C++ program with lots of memory management issues is likely to have lots of other issues as well and the memory leaks are just the most visible and/or destructive of the problems. Memory is only one of the many resources that need to be managed in a program and if you’re unable to get your head around memory management then you’re unlikely to understand how to manage files, or sockets or database connections or event handles or critical sections… Programming well requires the ability to focus on details; being unable to manage memory implies a lack of ability to focus on detail. Removing explicit memory management may remove the potential for problems for those who consistently get it wrong but it doesn’t help them to write better code, or to manage other resources. Richard’s issues above seem to me to be symptoms of a lack of attention to detail. What’s more, surely the first issue “using a pointer without initialising it” is just as much as an issue with object references; use of a null object reference will generate an exception. The second and third issues are not memory management issues but program design issues. Which leaves us with “forgetting to delete an initialised pointer” for which those of us working with C++ came up with a reliable solution long ago in the form of the “Resource Acquision Is Initialisation” (RAII) idiom. What’s more, RAII solves the general problem of resource leaks rather than the specific problem of memory leaks; it’s akin to .Net’s IDisposable pattern only cleaner ;).

Richard continues with the merits of the .Net way:

“The new operator returns an object reference - but one that can’t be de-referenced - and not a pointer per se.” … “except de-reference them or point them at arbitrary addresses”

It’s a pointer Jim, but not as we know it. Given that an object reference can be null the fact that you can’t ‘de-reference’ it explicitly seems to irrelevant. The object reference can be null at the point of use and if you don’t “know” that it can’t be null in a particular situation, or explicitly test the reference for null before attempting to use it then an exception will be generated. Likewise in .Net you can cast an object reference to a reference to another type. Admittedly the casting will try and stop you from doing the wrong thing, but you can “work around” that by casting to Object first. C++ casts offer the same level of protection and if you’re a C++ programmer using ‘C style casts’ then your code has more problems than just memory management issues. So, it seems to me, that Richard’s .Net object reference advantages boil down to one thing, you can’t use an unassigned, “dangling”, object reference; such an attempt is a compiler error whereas in C++ it would merely be a warning…

“C# and .NET reduce the number of program errors you can introduce”

I agree. Since C# and .Net are simpler and more constrained than C++ it would be difficult for it to be any other way. You can do some very nasty things in C++ but you generally don’t need to do these things and if you are doing them then it’s usually a symptom of a bigger problem.

Programming well in any language or environment requires the ability to focus on details and knowledge of the idioms and techniques appropriate for that language or environment. The advantage of C# and .Net over C++ is not that it has garbage collection and you can’t de-reference pointers, it’s that for certain kinds of applications C# and .Net provide all the functionality that you need. It means your programmers don’t need to be able to deal with as much complexity as they would if they were working in C++. This probably means that you can find more people who are competent enough to be able to write your application.