September 2011
The WebSocket protocol - Draft, HyBi 13
Another day, another WebSocket protocol draft… That’s probably a little unfair actually. Although there have been several drafts in quick succession over the past few weeks the protocol itself has only changed very slightly. … -
The curious case of the missing copy constructor
I have a tendency to write unit tests that are a little more invasive than they need to be; these tests make sure that not only are the results as expected but also that as many of the side-effects and interactions with other objects are as … -
Designing an asynchronous server-side API for WebSockets
I’ve just released The WebSockets Option Pack for The Server Framework and I think it’s worth running through why the API that I designed ended up as it did. This will probably end up as part of The Server Framework’s … -
The WebSocket protocol is done...
Version 16 of the draft WebSocket protocol specification was just released and the HyBi mailing list announcement for this version contained the following: Chairs and editors believe that this version is final (before the publication of the …