BASI Ski Instructor training: Day 8

Previously published

This article was previously published on when I took some time out to ski. An index of these pages can be found here.

Today was similar to yesterday, 20 minute individual teaching sessions in the morning and bumps in the afternoon. We were all pretty subdued today, mostly due to the stress and worry of the teaching sessions. Once again these nerves didn’t show during the actual teaching and everyone did well. Teaching beyond The Central Theme is considerably harder than teaching The Central Theme itself; there’s much more to analyse in people’s performance and the subject matter is so much broader that keeping things tight and focused is more difficult.

The focus of my lesson was skiing bumps with more flow and control by absorbing the bump and extending into the hollows. The exercises went well and I got all of the students involved in discussing what we were doing and why it worked, etc.

This afternoon we skied bumps, always bumps. Today we were paired up with someone who skied a different line to the line we usually took and told to ski behind them, following their line. This was interesting as it highlighted how each of us usually takes quite a distinctive and different line in the bumps even though we’re all skiing pretty much straight down. Following Phil was interesting as he turns a lot and has very fast feet. I managed to keep with him for longer than I expected.

This evening we had a written paper, which wasn’t too bad, and then we reviewed the day’s lessons. We all did well and only two of the group have to do any teaching tomorrow and both of those are just doing short lessons that focus on one aspect of their teaching that didn’t quite come through strongly enough in today’s lessons.